PNR or Passenger Name Record is a unique 10 digit number that is generated when a passenger books a ticket. It is generated irrespective of the status of your status. Whether your ticket is confirmed or it is currently on WL or RAC, PNR Number will be generated and it is unique for each ticket.
You can find your 10 digit unique PNR Number at the top left-hand side of your train ticket and it is also stored in Indian Railways at the time of generation along with all the information of the passenger and its journey and coach name, number etc.
After the successful implementation of PNR Number in Airlines, it was introduced in Railways and it also managed to be successful in Railways too.
PNR Numbers make the whole process smooth and efficient for both the railway department and the passengers, especially for passengers as they can check out many things regarding their coach and their journey just by finding out the status of their PNR Number.
PNR Number stores the following information about the passengers:
- Passengers’ personal details such as their age, date of birth, sex, phone number, and email address.
- Passengers’ travel details such as ticket number, coach name and number, seat number, source and destination station, berth preferences, the status of the ticket, class of travel and mode of payment.
You can read about How to check the Status of your 10-digit PNR Number to find out the details about your journey.